November 7, 2023

The Gap in Web3 Education: Why Theory Isn't Enough

The Gap in Web3 Education: Why Theory Isn't Enough

The Gap in Web3 Education: Why Theory Isn't Enough

In today's world, self-paced education courses and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are abundant, each promising a certificate to adorn your resume and a potential pathway to a new job in the rapidly growing web3 sector. However, let's look at the facts: an astonishing 85% of learners drop out after just the first module in self-paced courses. When it comes to MOOCs, although they attract massive registrations, research indicates that completion rates are lower than 10%. What does this tell us? The existing models are failing to provide actionable, practical knowledge.

The High Cost of Incomplete Education

Live class providers offer another option, but their offerings are often prohibitively expensive, ranging from $1,500 to several thousand dollars for just a few days of training. For example, European Tech School offers 5- to 10-week courses starting at $2,100, mainly targeting a high-income audience. This leaves the majority without an affordable pathway to hands-on, practical web3 education.

Introducing Chaineducation Labs: Affordable, Hands-On Web3 Education

At Chaineducation Labs, we're committed to changing this narrative. Our 6-week Virtual Class+ program features live classes twice a week and provides full access to our Learning Management System. Unlike many competitors, our curriculum emphasizes practical, actionable knowledge that prepares you for real-world challenges in the web3 domain.

The Advantage of a Success Fee Model

We operate on a unique success fee model. Our aim is to democratize high-quality web3 education by making it accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. We're confident that the skills and knowledge you acquire will be so invaluable that they will accelerate your career in the web3 space. Once you succeed, that's when we earn our fee—creating a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Take the Next Step in Your Web3 Journey

Ready to transform your web3 career? Get to know Santino and me, and learn how Chaineducation Labs can empower you with the skills you need. Book a call with us or join our upcoming info session in December. Seats for our January class are filling up quickly, so don’t miss your chance to enroll.

Jonas Przysucha
Jonas Przysucha

Ex-Bitpanda | Digital Art, Education, Financial Markets & UX/UI

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